As of November 2020, it is unknown if any states will attempt to revoke Donald Trump’s electoral votes. Trump has faced many challenges throughout his presidency, including allegations of collusion with Russia, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power. Many believe that these impeachment charges are serious enough to warrant taking away his electoral votes, but it is ultimately up to each state to decide whether or not to do so.
There is no clear answer, as the Electoral College is a body that is not explicitly defined in the Constitution. Some experts believe that the Electoral College could theoretically choose to revoke Trump’s electoral votes, but it is unlikely that they would do so.
Can you win electoral votes and still lose?
It is possible to win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote. This happened in 2016, in 2000, and three times in the 1800s. The reason this can happen is because the Electoral College is based on the number of congressional districts each state has, not on the total population of the state. This means that smaller states have a disproportionate amount of power in the Electoral College. In addition, each state gets two electoral votes for its senators, regardless of population. This means that even if a candidate wins the popular vote by a large margin, they can still lose the Electoral College if they don’t win enough states.
The Electoral College is a process established by the Constitution for choosing the President of the United States. The Constitution does not explicitly state how the Electoral College is to work, but it does set forth some basic principles. The Court’s decision in this case upheld the constitutionality of a state law that requires Electors to vote for the candidate who won the state’s popular vote. This decision reaffirms the principle that states have a significant role in determining how the Electoral College will operate.
When was the Electoral College almost abolished
The closest that the United States has come to abolishing the Electoral College occurred during the 91st Congress (1969–1971). A constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College was introduced in the House of Representatives on April 7, 1969, by Emanuel Celler, a Democrat from New York, and in the Senate on September 16, 1969, by Birch Bayh, a Democrat from Indiana. The amendment was proposed in the wake of the 1968 presidential election, in which Republican nominee Richard Nixon won the Electoral College vote but lost the popular vote to Democratic nominee Hubert Humphrey.
The amendment passed the House of Representatives on March 12, 1970, by a vote of 338 to 70, and the Senate on September 18, 1970, by a vote of 77 to 16. However, the amendment failed to receive the requisite two-thirds majority in the House of Representatives on March 17, 1971, falling short by just four votes.
The closest the United States has come to abolishing the Electoral College was during the 91st Congress. If the amendment had been ratified by the requisite number of states, it would have gone into effect for the 1976 presidential election.
It is possible for a candidate to win the electoral vote, but lose the nation-wide popular vote. This has happened in four elections: 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016. In each of these cases, the candidate who won the electoral vote also won the presidency.
What if no one wins the Electoral College?
If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process and moves to Congress. The House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. This process is known as contingent election and has occurred twice in our nation’s history.
There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States. Some States, however, require electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote.
Who has control over the Electoral College?
The Electoral College is the body that elects the President and Vice President of the United States. Every four years, the President and Vice President are chosen by the Electoral College.
The President of the Senate presides over the count of the electoral votes and declares the winners of the election. The count is done in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives.
The Electoral College is a system in which citizens vote for representatives, who then cast votes for the President. Every four years, this process repeats. However, there have been objections to the Electoral College votes in 1969, 2005, and 2021. In all cases, the House and Senate rejected the objections and the votes in question were counted. This shows that the system is not perfect, but it is still the best system we have.
Who decide the Electoral College
The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the United States Congress, and it makes decisions on legislation with each state having one vote. A minimum of two-thirds of the states must be represented for a vote to take place.
The act of faithlessness is when a person who has been elected to office by the people, does not vote for the candidate they had originally pledged to support. As of the 2020 election, there have been a total of 165 instances of faithlessness, 90 were for president and 75 were for vice president. They have never swung an election, and nearly all have voted for third party candidates or non-candidates, as opposed to switching their support to a major opposing candidate.
What could replace the Electoral College?
The Direct Popular Election alternative would abolish the Electoral College, substituting a single nationwide count of popular votes. The candidates winning a plurality of votes would be elected President and Vice President. The main advantage of this system is that it would give every citizen a direct say in who the President and Vice President are. The main disadvantage is that it would make it very difficult for small states to have any influence in the election. Another disadvantage is that it could potentially lead to campaigns that focus exclusively on large states with high populations.
The Electoral College was established by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and the election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College is a body of electors who are chosen by the people of each state to elect the President and Vice President of the United States.
Why do we need the Electoral College
The Electoral College is not explicitly mentioned in the US Constitution, but it is the process by which the President and Vice President are elected. In this process, the States (including the District of Columbia) each cast electoral votes, which are then tallied to determine the winner. The Electoral College has been the subject of much debate over the years, as some feel that it gives too much weight to smaller States and doesn’t accurately reflect the will of the people.
Barbara Lett-Simmons was an American politician who served as an elector in the 2000 presidential election. She was one of the few faithless electors in that election, refusing to cast her votes for the candidates who won the popular vote. This act drew criticism from both major parties, but Lett-Simmons defended her decision, saying that she could not in good conscience vote for the candidates who had won the election.
Who gets 3 electoral but is not a state?
The 23rd Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1961 and allocates three electors to the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia is treated like a State for purposes of the Electoral College, meaning that each State (which includes the District of Columbia) decides how to appoint its electors. In most States, the legislature decides how to appoint the State’s electors.
Hawaii is one of the most Democratic states in the nation, according to the Gallup Poll. This is because no Republican has ever carried the state in two consecutive elections. The only Republicans who have won Hawaii in recent history are Nixon and Reagan, and they only did so in their 1972 and 1984 reelection bids. Democrats, on the other hand, have carried the state in consecutive elections. This trend is likely to continue in the 2020 election.
Final Words
The answer is no, they cannot take back the electoral vote from Donald Trump.
The Electoral College is a unique and important part of our democratic process, and its integrity must be preserved. In the wake of Donald Trump’s election, many people are wondering if the Electoral College can take back his electoral vote. The answer is no; once the electoral vote is cast, it is final. This ensures that the Electoral College can no longer be used to subvert the will of the people.